Canada's Number One Resource For Eco Living
Disclosure: This post was sponsored by The Eco Hub. We only ever add brands & products we truly believe in. Thank you for supporting the brands who are making the world a better place!
the eco hub
Hey, my neighbors to the north! Something exciting has just launched for you! The Eco Hub, created by one of my fellow EWC members, Candice Batista, is a digital media company connecting conscious consumers to brands & companies that sincerely care about the planet AND its people. Everything you find on their site is catered to Canadian residents, so there is no need to worry if it is available to you {as a US blogger, I know many Canadians who have asked me in the past for a resource like this}! They want to help you make informed decisions about your daily purchases. You can finally stop spending hours after you get home from work looking on Pinterest or Google for these thoughtful companies because The Eco Hub has you covered. Let them do all the hard work ;) They’ve worked to bring you the most transparent information and businesses Canada has to offer. Their Ecological Criteria set the parameters for your learning on their site. They are serious about this stuff! Along with a list of brands you can shop from, The Eco Hub will keep you up-to-date with the latest news, trends, healthy living, and wellness.
So you may be wondering...
What does The Eco Hub look for when deciding if a brand or business is worth showcasing on their site? The Ecological Criteria {like I mentioned before} answers 3 questions - Where, What, Who? They want to find products made in Canada, preferably from locally sourced materials. They want to know what it’s exactly made out of {recycled, upcycled, organic, cruelty-free, vegan}. Then, of course, they want to know if the maker behind the product was treated fairly. If it’s a Canadian product with high ethical standards, you may see it listed on their Brand Directory!
What I love about The Eco Hub’s website is its aesthetic. It is refreshing to go through, and it is categorized very well, so you can easily browse through the topics you care most about. Besides their growing Brand Directory, they have a section on Style + Beauty, Living + Home, and Culture + Impact. Within these categories, you can find related articles for tips on implementing eco changes within each facet of your life.
A little bit about the brains behind the site…
Candice Batista is the best person for this job! She is an award-winning Environmental Journalist and a top eco-advocate in Canada. Candice has an extensive background in media & communications, where she has produced & reported on environmental and climate issues for TV & digital audiences. Currently, you can find her on The Marilyn Denis Show as the National Eco Expert {which The Eco Hub will be running a week-long series around Earth Day you can't miss!}. After hosting and producing 4 eco-themed TV series, Candice added a digital media company to her impressive resume. So yeah... you can trust her on what goes up on this site! :D
Click - here - to start {or improve} your eco journey. Even if you aren't Canadian, this is still an excellent resource!
Oh & remember to follow them on the gram.