Posts in Fabrics & Certifications
12 Eco-Friendly Ways to Remove Clothing Stains

How to Remove Stains more Naturally

Stains are an unavoidable part of life. You can treat them if you take care of them immediately, but you may need to make some substitutions in your regular products. How many stain removers do you use with ingredients that could affect your health and the environment? These all-natural methods will help you eliminate stains in their tracks without the same detrimental side effects you're used to.

How to Remove Grease Stains

Grease stains are tricky to avoid, and they appear no matter where you are. Luckily, they're easy to remove by natural methods as long as you handle them quickly. Remember to remove any excess grease with a cloth so you don't have to deal with as large of a stain. If you tackle the oil fast enough, you may have a smaller stain than you imagined.

Baking Soda Method

Baking soda is nontoxic, so it's often used in various homemade cleaners that are better for your health and the environment. First, thoroughly cover the area in baking soda and let sit overnight. Baking soda is alkaline, so it'll help soak up the grease and oil on your clothes. If that doesn't remove the stain, use a vinegar and water solution. You should let the fabric soak before running it through the washing machine.

Corn Starch Method

Alternatively, you can use cornstarch to draw out the grease. It's an absorbent substitute that, when scrubbed, can act abrasive and help remove the stain. Just let it sit for an hour or two after scrubbing. Once you do, you may notice the stain has been lifted, and you can wash the garment as usual.

How to Remove Sauce Stains

Tomato sauce leaves some of the worst stains, but it can also be difficult to avoid if you've got kids who love spaghetti. Tomatoes are the most produced vegetable worldwide, making them a common household staple that can lead to stain issues. Luckily, there are a few ways to get sauce out of your clothes so you don't have to deal with an eyesore.

Dish Detergent Method

This method will require you to have a few things on hand. Put dish detergent directly on the stain. You should choose a detergent that promotes sustainability goals by selecting a brand that has performed self-assessments about its methods or by using ingredients that won't harm the planet. Once you've saturated the stain with your dish liquid of choice, it's time to pull out the ice.

Rub an ice cube on the fabric to help remove the stain. You should smear the detergent around and fade the stain slowly. If it isn't completely gone by then, you can dab some vinegar onto the fabric and run it through the laundry.

Salt and Baking Soda Method

Salt and baking soda are readily available in the home, making them a great option for tackling any tricky stains that emerge when enjoying dinner. Combine equal parts of baking soda and salt with water to create a paste. You can apply this paste to the stain and let it sink into the clothing. Then, run it through the laundry like you normally do.

How to Remove Blood Stains

You may be tempted to toss blood-stained clothes. However, you should attempt to save your clothes and treat stains rather than throw them out. The fashion industry pollutes water with the chemicals it uses when making textiles, so making what you have last a long time can make a difference. 

One of the most important things to remember about treating blood stains is that you shouldn't dry your laundry before dealing with them. Otherwise, it will be there forever. Unfortunately, blood stains can be tricky to get out of fabric. Treat your clothes as soon as possible for the best results.

Vinegar Method

Use white vinegar for the best results when dealing with blood stains. All you need to do is pour it onto the stain and let it sit, dabbing it with a damp cloth as necessary. Over time, the stain should lift, and you can launder your clothing as usual.

Salt Method

Though not as well-known, the salt method might be an effective way of lifting stains from your favorite garments. Salt is a great dehydrator, so it can dry water and blood well. A paste of salt and water rubbed directly onto the stain should yield the desired results. Scrape it off once it's dry, and use cold water to wash off the rest.

How to Remove Sweat Stains

Nearly everyone has experienced sweat stains before. Whether you work out regularly or live in a warm climate, you've encountered sweat and know how tricky it can be to remove from a shirt. Fortunately, these stains can be conquered. However, you may have to apply a different method depending on the color of the garment you're treating.

White Shirt Method

The white shirt method is a bit complicated. You'll need baking soda, hydrogen peroxide and water to lift the stain from your white or light-colored shirt. Mix equal parts of all three ingredients, then rub into the stain with a slightly abrasive brush or sponge. Let the solution sit on the clothes before tossing them into the washing machine.

Dark Shirt Method

This method is a bit simpler. To make your darker shirts look new, you only need a mixture of water and white vinegar. Use a brush to apply the solution to the stains if you want to pretreat them. Otherwise, you'll submerge the affected clothing in a tub full of equal parts water and white vinegar. After about 30 minutes, you can run the clothes through the laundry as usual.

If you need something with odor-fighting properties, use a bit of baking soda on the garment after you've taken care of the stain. You can use it on anything from clothes to carpets to help treat odors. Letting it sit overnight might be the best option, but sometimes, baking soda can remove smells in just half an hour.

How to Remove Wine and Coffee Stains

Many people turn to coffee to wake up before a long workday. Similarly, around 60% of adults consume alcoholic beverages regularly. While these stains might be different, they originate the same way — typically by spilling something on yourself. The quicker you deal with these stains, the better your clothes will look.

Wine Removal Method

Wine stains can leave a deep, dark red blotch on your clothing, so it's best to tackle it as soon as possible. First, pour vinegar directly onto the stain. Then, make a paste of vinegar and baking soda and rub it into the spot aggressively.

Add a small bit of vinegar to a container of cold water, dunk your clothes in and let them soak overnight. There may be some remnant of a stain in the morning, but it won't be as pronounced as before. Alternatively, you can use salt to take the red wine out overnight, then continue repeating the steps as necessary.

Coffee Removal Method

Since people often experience coffee spills in the workplace on business clothes, you may want to test this removal method on an unseen part of your garment to ensure it doesn't harm the fabric. Mix a lot of warm water with 1 tablespoon each of dish detergent and white vinegar. Then, dab at the stain with a clean cloth. With enough blotting, the stain should disappear.

How to Remove Grass Stains

You may want to roll around in the grass when the weather warms up. Spending time in nature promotes vitamin D production, which could lower depression and anxiety levels. However, you may end up with grass stains on your clothing. Luckily, there's an easy way to take care of them, too.

White Vinegar Method

This method is the best option for treating grass stains, regardless of the fabric. Mix equal parts distilled white vinegar with water. Coat the stain and let it stand for about an hour or so, or dab and scrub. Afterward, rinse it off in cold water.

If that method doesn't remove the stain, you can also use a mild detergent on your fabric. Scrub it with the detergent, then rinse it off. Before long, you should notice the stain is completely gone.

Rubbing Alcohol Method

This method might be a bit harsher than the one before it, but you can still remove the stain with something you likely have in your household. Wet the affected area with rubbing alcohol. Once it's fully dry, rinse it off with cold water. You can also follow up with detergent and cool water. Repeating this method a few times should get rid of grass stains completely. This method works exceptionally well on jeans.

Become a Stain-Fighting Professional — Naturally

Dealing with stains in clothing can be difficult, especially when you don't know the natural swaps you can make to tackle tough ones. Keep your cupboards stocked with substitutes that won't put chemicals into the water or harm your health to tackle stains without worry. 

This will also give you a natural way to help your clothing last longer, potentially keeping it out of landfills and preventing you from buying more. Some items can't be saved, especially if you've waited a while to treat a stain, but you can always just wear it at home to make the most of it.

About the Author

Mia Barnes is a health and beauty writer with a passion for sustainable living and wellness. Mia is also the Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Body+Mind Magazine, an online publication that covers healthy and eco-friendly living. Follow Mia and Body+Mind on Twitter and LinkedIn



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What is Greenwashing & 5 Easy Tips to Avoid It

A Simple Guide to Greenwashing

When you see a product advertised as sustainable, natural, non-toxic, or organic, you instantly feel good about buying it, right? Advertising companies know from research, the majority of people want to support eco-friendly products and brands. However, what happens when marketing teams prey on this sustainability mindset for profit? Greenwashing happens.

What is greenwashing? Let’s talk about it!

an example of greenwashing in fashion where t-shirts are being labeled as good for the planet when the rights & health of workers are being ignored. see why a t-shirt should never be $5.

an example of greenwashing in fashion where t-shirts are being labeled as good for the planet when the rights & health of workers are being ignored. see why a t-shirt should never be $5.

What is Greenwashing?

Greenwashing is a marketing strategy that falsely represents a company's or product's sustainable efforts. Greenwashing creates the illusion that a company does what is best for the planet and people; however, most don't follow through with their claims. According to a report by TerraChoice Environmental Marketing, 95% of green-labeled products are actually greenwashed.

Greenwashing occurs in various ways, so how do you tell if the claims are legitimate or empty promises? Here are some red flags to watch out for!

1) Environmental Imagery

Companies are often found to simplify their packaging and feature natural-looking textures, materials, leaf-themed motifs, and green-toned elements. This attracts the shopper’s eye because it appears to have a more natural appearance, but it tricks the consumer into thinking the product is automatically eco-conscious. 

2) Vague Catchphrases

Advertisers commonly pair environmental imagery with phrases like “100% natural” and  “non-toxic” and other vague phrasing. Be aware these phrases are not strictly regulated by any authority or organization, like the Federal Trade Commission (FTC), and typically have no bearing on what’s in the product.

3) Bait and Switch

Companies will claim a product is made of sustainable materials, which might be true, but the rest of their business is not. Often companies will use low-cost manufacturers with illegal labor wages and allow poor working conditions to increase profit margins associated with sustainably sourced products. They bait the consumer into buying their product with sustainable claims but don’t apply the sustainability business model through their entire company.

4) Irrelevant Claim

When a company advertises that products are free of specific toxins or chemicals, but those same ingredients are already illegal, this is an irrelevant claim. They shouldn’t be using these substances, to begin with, so they shouldn’t need to be advertised. This tactic further confuses customers into buying products that are only doing the bare minimum.

5) Forced Fallacy

When given two options, people usually choose the option most beneficial to them, right? Companies are guilty of tricking customers into believing they are making a better choice with a greenwashed product when in reality, both choices are equally unhealthy. For example, with organic cigarettes vs. conventional cigarettes, both are harmful to someone’s health. 

Examples of Greenwashing

There are many documented cases of greenwashing, but some examples are commonly referenced and formally addressed by authoritative organizations. 

The Malaysia Palm Oil Council advertised itself as eco-friendly in a 2008 tv commercial. They stated their plantations “give life” and “help the planet breathe.” However, critics cited palm oil plantations are a cause of mass rainforest destruction and ecosystem disruption.  The U.K. Advertising Standards Authority determined it was in violation of advertising standards.

Similarly, the Royal Dutch Shell company led the public to believe their oil sands development was “sustainable” despite no evidence. Due to the inability to show any sustainable practices with facts, the U.K Advertising Standards Authority also agreed this was false information and was greenwashing the public to favor their destructive construction.

In 2006, American Spirit lost a lawsuit that forced the company to remove the organic labeling from their cigarettes. Researchers found these claims were misleading customers, and all tobacco companies have since been banned from using any related terminology due to their products’ unhealthy nature.

Why Does Greenwashing Matter?

Even though greenwashing makes sustainability more visibly mainstream, it damages genuine environmentally-friendly companies and products. Greenwashing allows customers to believe they are making ethical and sustainable decisions while contributing to the harm they want to avoid. Greenwashing creates an illusion of sustainability and is highly counterproductive to the sustainability movement. Household cleaners, cosmetics, and children’s products are the most commonly greenwashed items. This is alarming because those are also the most frequently purchased products. In addition, 8 out of 10 consumers stated they care about sustainability and would pay more for sustainably-made products. While this is excellent news for our planet and future generations, it also makes conscious consumers an easy target for greenwashing.

How to Avoid Greenwashing?

Now that we know how to identify greenwashing, how do we prevent being fooled? Thankfully in more recent years, the FTC is starting to be more strict with green initiative marketing and providing marketers guidelines. They most recently updated their Green Guides in 2012, which provide information specifically for companies regarding their environmental advertising.

As a consumer, there are some easy ways to tell what companies and products are actually sustainable and following through on their claims. 

1) Be Skeptical

Read labels with skepticism and know that you can’t trust fancy marketing and product design.

2) Know Certifications

Get familiar with global certifications and national certifications in your area. Some commonly recognized logos are Certified B Corpthe Leaping Bunny Program logo, Green Seal, and Rainforest Alliance. The Ecolabel Guide app is also an excellent resource for looking up what a certification label stands for and if it’s legitimate. Read more about certifications here.

3) Avoid Generalizations

“Chemical-free,” “organic,” and “natural ingredients” are very broad terms and can be applied to anything. Look for companies providing more specifics on their products. “Certified fair trade, USDA organic, GOTS certified,” etc.

4) Look for Facts

Before purchasing products, do a quick google search on the company. Check for news articles about potential controversial claims or press releases on sustainability efforts. This information is usually able to be confirmed with reputable sources.

5) Visit the Company Website

Any company that claims sustainability and is doing the real work will have this information proudly displayed. They will be able to explain their processes in detail, why it matters to their company, and be able to provide specifics on how their initiatives are benefitting the planet.

Don’t forget your voice matters. Let companies know you find their greenwashing practices problematic. You can get involved by sending a company an email to a company you see using greenwashing. You can even use this easy copy-and-paste email template. 

Greenwashing is everywhere, so don’t worry if you accidentally fell victim to false claims at one point. Just by knowing greenwashing exists is half the battle. By reading this article, you are now already more informed and less likely to be manipulated by “green” advertising in the future.


Karmen Flores is a creative entrepreneur based in Michigan. Karmen shares all about plant-based, sustainable, intentional living on her blog, Karmen Collective. From recommendations for all things plant-based to tips for living more sustainably, Karmen makes living with intention less intimidating and more accessible. You can connect with Karmen on Instagram @karmencollective and at



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What’s the Fuss About Organic Cotton?

What is Organic Cotton?

Cotton is a plant-based, biodegradable material. It could be assumed then, that it must always be sustainable. Unfortunately though, depending on how cotton is farmed, the environmental impact of the material can be significant. Producing cotton organically can be a good way to reduce cotton farming's impact.

What’s Wrong with Conventional Cotton?

Before we get into what all the fuss about organic cotton is, we need to understand some of the issues with ‘conventional cotton’. It’s important to note that cotton -- whether organic or not -- is produced differently across farms and countries, but when we talk about ‘conventional cotton’, we’re talking about the most common, average way that the fluffy plant is grown. 

According to the Sustainable Apparel Coalition’s Material Sustainability Index, the environmental impact of conventional cotton production from cradle to gate (so basically, not considering cotton as a garment and its post-consumer ‘after-life’) is so significant that it’s the fifth most impactful material of all. After silk, alpaca wool, cow and goat leather, conventional cotton has the greatest eco-impact when considering global warming, eutrophication (which can lead to dead-zones), water scarcity, fossil fuels, and chemistry. 

The majority of this eco-impact comes down to how thirsty conventional cotton is. You might have heard, for example, that a single conventional cotton t-shirt can require about 2,494 liters of water to make -- enough water for a person to drink 2 liters daily, over nearly three and a half years. This is a big deal, given that freshwater is essential to life on Earth and something which 1.1 billion people around the world lack proper access to, including in top cotton production countries like India.

What’s worse though, is that water isn’t just used to grow conventional cotton, but is polluted in conventional cotton production. Because of the heavy and often careless use of fertilizers, pesticides and herbicides, waterways surrounding cotton farms can become polluted with these substances, harming the health of the ecosystem and all those living in it -- humans included, when this contaminated water is drunk. 

Carelessly used pesticides and herbicides in conventional cotton production can not only harm the environment, including soil health, but cotton farmers, too. In 2017, at least 50 farmers were killed in part of India, likely due to pesticide poisoning.

How is Organic Cotton Different?

Understandably, you may be looking at cotton a little differently now if you weren’t aware of this darker side of the industry. Fortunately, though, there are solutions and better ways.

Organic cotton is grown without the use of synthetic pesticides and herbicides. Organic cotton crops can be sprayed with Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) natural proteins to protect them from insect infestation and crop destruction, but not with the cocktail of toxic chemicals often sprayed over conventional cotton crops. 

This not only helps to protect farmers, but the environment, too. Eutrophication occurs when water is overly enriched with nutrients, often due to fertilizers, pesticides and herbicides, which can result in dead-zones in water, where life struggles to persist. The same Sustainable Apparel Coalition data referenced earlier shows that eutrophication is reduced in organic cotton as compared to conventional cotton production. 

While organic cotton, by definition, is about the use of synthetic chemicals, organic cotton often is significantly less water-intensive than conventional. Most organic cotton is just rain-fed, meaning that no additional irrigation water is added to the crops. When organic cotton isn’t rain fed, the irrigated water consumption for it is reported by Textile Exchange to be 182 liters per kg of lint (basically harvested fluff), compared to conventional cotton’s enormous 2,120 liters per kg of lint. With water scarcity being the greatest impact associated with this soft, white fiber, this is a great change. 

Is All Organic Cotton the Same?

Not all organic cotton is grown equal. If we look at something like Global Organic Textile Standard (GOTS) certified organic cotton, we get a material that must meet ecological and social health criteria. These include wastewater treatment to prevent contamination, even by natural fertilizers, and the assurance that farmers and farmworkers are paid living wages. This is wonderful, and a great reason to look out for GOTS-certified organic cotton clothing, but the GOTS standard exists because this is not the norm in cotton production, even within organic cotton production. 

Are There Any Issues with Organic Cotton?

Not even organic cotton is not free of issues. Unless organic cotton is grown within a standard like GOTS, or the Fair Trade scheme, cotton being organic does not ensure it is an ethical or wholly sustainable crop. 

Organic cotton can be more land-intensive, producing less cotton per hectare than genetically modified cotton. Cotton that is genetically modified to have the Bt natural protein inside of it, rather than sprayed over it, cannot be considered organic even if no additional pesticides or herbicides are used on the crop. This Bt cotton is often more land efficient, meaning more land which can be kept natural, full of trees and life.

Because of the discrepancies in organic cotton production, certified organic cotton is a safer bet. Unless obliged to follow criteria like those in the Global Organic Textile Standard, without transparency, we can’t know that an organic cotton farm isn’t irrigating their crop with significant amounts of water or harvesting their cotton in a way that harms soil health. In this way, organic cotton can still have water scarcity and soil health impacts associated with it.

When we consider ethics, we must remember that cotton production has historically been linked to the Atlantic slave trade. Today, one in five cotton products are tied to the unjust treatment of ethnic minority groups in Xinjiang, China, where more than half a million people are forced to pick cotton. After India, China is the second-largest producer of organic cotton. This isn’t to say that cotton grown in China can never be ethical, but with little transparency in the industry, it is nearly impossible to know if non-certified organic cotton is tied to forced labor, or modern slavery. 

Are There Other Types of More Sustainable Cotton?

As well as the ethical and far more sustainable organic cotton certified by GOTS or other legitimate groups, there is other more sustainably sourced cotton, too. 

Australian grown cotton, for example, has reduced its use of synthetic insecticides by 97% since 1992, and the vast majority of Australian cotton growers are a part of the voluntary my Best Practice Management (myBMP) program. This program demands over 300 criteria for the more sustainable and ethical production of cotton. Such criteria include the use of rotational crops that release soil-beneficial nitrogen into the soil, like chickpeas, and criteria around water management. Australian cotton is more water-efficient than that of many other countries.  

Also from Australia comes Good Earth Cotton, which is reportedly carbon positive and completely traceable from ‘seed to shelf’, thanks to FibreTrace technology. This is a fantastic step towards total ethics fashion.

Another great option is recycled cotton, which has a reduced impact compared to both conventional and organic cotton since no land is needed for agriculture, so it can be kept natural and biodiverse. It’s always good to use what we already have.

What to Buy?

If you’re looking for organic cotton, certified is the best option, especially since more supposedly ‘organic cotton’ is sold than actual organic cotton is grown, with false organic claims being made by some brands. 

As always, it’s important to ask questions before you buy. Ask brands if their organic cotton is certified and with what standard. Ask where their cotton is grown, what the environmental and social impacts of their cotton production is, and how much they even know about the cotton in their garments. 

Cotton is a wonderful, plant-based and biodegradable material, but we need to remember that it’s a little more complicated than that, too. Mindful purchases are always better purchases, and certifications can really help with this. 

Want to Shop Organic Cotton Brands?

Here is a list of all our favorite sustainable cotton brands for the entire family!

About the Contributor

Emma Håkansson is the founder and director of Collective Fashion Justice which seeks to create a total ethics fashion system that prioritizes the life and wellbeing of non-human & human animals, as well as the planet, before profit & production. She has written countless articles on ethics, sustainability, and fashion, and has two books due out over the next two years.



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6 Tips for Properly Cleaning and Caring For Faux Leather

Image: Culthread

Disclosure: Some of the links in this post are affiliated; we may earn a small commission if you click through & make a purchase. We only ever add brands & products we truly believe in. Thank you for supporting the brands who are making the fashion industry a better place!

People used to depend on every part of an animal to survive, but modern technologies reduce the need for animal product dependency. Many consumers opt for products like faux leather to avoid funding animal cruelty.

This article explains everything you need to know about faux leather, including tips about cleaning and caring for your new wardrobe additions. You’ll wear and wash your clothes confidently because you’ll understand what the material needs for longevity.

What Is Faux Leather?

Leather traditionally comes from cows but can also come from animals like goats or crocodiles. Faux leather doesn’t involve any animals — instead, people make it with synthetic ingredients that create the same look and feel.

It’s also one of the more popular materials for products like clothing and furniture. The global synthetic leather market had a $33.7 billion value in 2021 and the same research indicates a continued 8% growth through 2030.

Why Do People Prefer Faux Leather?

There are numerous reasons why people choose to buy artificial leather products. First, they might prefer avoiding anything made with animal products if they live a vegan lifestyle. They may also generally avoid any products that involve animal cruelty.

Additionally, authentic leather is often more costly than its alternatives. The companies manufacturing it have to pay for a more complicated manufacturing process, including the breeding and management of animals. Faux leather products only need artificial ingredients.

What Is Faux Leather Made Of?

Faux leather production companies have numerous ingredient options. Many opt for plastic chemical compounds derived from crude oil. It’s readily available due to the global oil production industry, but some consumers take issue with the ingredient.

When artificial leather products end up in landfills, the crude-oil ingredients don’t naturally break down. Environmentalists aim to change that by making fungi-based leather that’s biodegradable. Time will show if the mass production of mushrooms for leather products takes hold of the industry.

Your choice of faux leather ingredients will depend on your preferences and beliefs. Either way, there are options for you to choose from when you’re ready to expand your wardrobe.

Examples of Faux Leather Clothing

Faux leather can do more than create purses and backpacks — it’s also a popular material for clothing and other accessories. While you’re shopping, keep an eye out for faux leather products like:

  • Jackets

  • Boots

  • Dress shoes

  • Pants

  • Dresses

You’ll quickly find these products made with artificial leather that look real. The only differences will be the positive impact on your wallet and beliefs.

Tips for Faux Leather Cleaning and Caring

You might hesitate to wear faux leather because you don’t know how to clean and care for it. Use these tips to understand how to maintain your new clothes so you can wear whatever materials you want.

  1. Try Warm Water First

Never doubt the power of warm water against stains and dirt. The gentle heat coaxes impurities out of fabrics by lifting them away. Although you might have a few favorite laundry products that you use every day, it’s best to stick with warm water only when cleaning faux leather.

Artificial leather is sensitive to cleaning solutions. It’s even highly affected by hot water, which often melts the material and changes its structure. It might be too tight after going through your washer and dryer or become more likely to stain because the leather loses its outer coating.

When you own your first piece of faux leather clothing and need to clean it, grab a microfiber cloth and dab the stained area. The fabric should be damp with warm water but not soaked to the point of dripping.

Apply light pressure to the dirty area until it’s thoroughly wet and squeeze the water out. Repeat as necessary until the garment is to your liking.

If you decide to use detergents or stain removers, they should have a gentle formula without abrasive chemicals. Ensure you avoid mixing them to prevent chemical reactions that harm you or your artificial leather. Faux leather is more sensitive than standard fabrics like cotton or denim, so your choice of cleaning product is vital to its maintenance.

2. Wash It by Hand

Buying faux leather clothing is a commitment. The material is extra sensitive to factors like water temperature and friction, which rules out most washing machine cycles. Your machine could leave your leather clothing worn in certain places, discolored or torn.

It’s always best to wash faux leather by hand. Even if you add a jacket to your sustainable winter clothes, it should stay out of the laundry machine whenever possible.

Hand washing your artificial leather clothing won’t take much of your time. Place it under cool or slightly warm water and dab at the soiled areas with a microfiber towel. The water will lift any dirt, just like your washing machine.

Afterward, gently ring your faux leather until it’s damp and hang it up to dry. Intense heat from water or your dryer will warp the material. Shrinking is also possible. Let your artificial leather air dry until it’s ready to wear again.

Worried about wrinkles? Place a steamer within arms-length of the faux leather clothing. The heat and moisture will ease any wrinkles without harming the material. Avoid pressing the steamer onto the artificial leather or close to it, so the fabric doesn’t melt.

3. Stick With Gentle Cycles

Check the tag on your newly purchased faux leather clothes because products sometimes include cleaning instructions that permit washers and dryers. Abiding by those directions will extend the life of your clothes by treating the material with the exact care it requires.

Some artificial leather clothes will have consumer instructions to place the soiled clothing in a machine set to the delicate cycle. Alternatively, you could adjust the settings to allow only cold water and a no-spin cycle.

Next, add gentle detergent. Organic or all-natural detergents are the primary choice for people with faux leather clothes — they won’t contain abrasive or strong chemicals that might damage the material. You could also seek detergent specifically made for faux leather, although that may be more challenging to find in standard stores due to the product’s specific nature.

After turning your clothing inside out to protect the leather and letting it go through your washing machine, read the drying instructions. The tag may require air drying or allow a delicate cycle in a standard dryer. Gentle wash settings are great for cleaning satin belongings or knitted clothes because they don’t involve hot water or rough spin cycles.

If the tag permits a dryer, it’s best to choose a low-heat setting for a quick cycle. The faux leather product should emerge from your dryer still damp. Air drying will complete its cleaning cycle.

4. Keep It Away From Sunlight

Sunlight can damage your faux leather product due to its heat and intensity. Natural light dries out traditional leather and replicates the challenge with artificial alternatives. The faux material is sensitive to external factors, so avoid hanging your synthetic leather in sunny spots around your home.

Coat hooks or a closet with windows might not be the most optimal storage location. Consider a dark corner in your closet or a drawer to make your faux leather clothes last longer. Sunlight won’t be able to shrink or melt the material.

5. Finish With Melted Coconut Oil

Genuine leather was once skin, which dries easily. Like human skin, it requires moisturizer in the form of leather oils. The ingredients lead to drying and peeling when you wear the clothing in warm weather, direct sunlight or dry it on the wrong heat setting. Although faux leather never involves animals, it still benefits from occasional conditioning. 

All-natural leather conditioners might be the first tool that comes to mind, but you can also use melted coconut oil. It’s organic and gentle, so it’s perfect for artificial leather. Melt the oil and let it cool until it’s slightly warm or at room temperature. Gently rub it into your clean leather with a sponge or microfiber cloth and remove any excess oil with a rag. The clothing should be easier to work with and have its original shine back.

6. Never Use Bleach

Some stains are apparent to the eye, which might make you consider bleaching them out of the artificial leather. Although that might work with other materials, faux leather breaks apart when washed with bleach because the synthetic ingredients are more sensitive.

Bleach is also a drying product, so it changes the structure of faux leather. After using it, you might notice discoloration in addition to rigid material. The affected artificial leather may also become more prone to staining due to the changed, drier structure.

Organic or all-natural stain removers made for faux leather will help lift stains away while you hand wash your clothing. A mixture of equal parts vinegar and water may also help fight tougher stains that have had more time to settle into the material.

Apply the stain-fighting solution, dab at the affected area and rinse immediately. Soaking may allow the product to damage your faux leather. Use cold or slightly warm water to clean the area and continue with your preferred washing method when the stain disappears.

Expand Your Wardrobe Today

Anyone can use these tips for properly cleaning and caring for faux leather. You should add whatever you want to your wardrobe, especially clothes that align with your sustainable or vegan values. Keep these steps in mind as you explore the world of faux leather clothing to discover if the material is what your style needs.

If you prefer to stay clear of plastic-derived materials please check out this vegan leather & fabric alternative post here, as well as this post featuring 11 for more vegan leather alternatives.

About the Author:

Mia Barnes is a health and beauty writer with a passion for sustainable living and wellness. Mia is also the Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Body+Mind Magazine, an online publication that covers healthy and eco-friendly living. Follow Mia and Body+Mind on Twitter and LinkedIn



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