Reusable Food Wraps for a Zero-Waste Kitchen
This post was sponsored by Z Wraps. As always, views are genuine and brands are truly loved. Thanks for supporting the sustainable brands who are working to make the world a greener place!
Z Wraps
a modern sustainable way to wrap and store your food
As someone who spends a lot of time in the kitchen cooking for my family, it's important for me to reduce my waste as much as possible. There was a time when I used to reach for plastic wrap whenever I needed to store food, especially the kind that sealed tightly around the edge of the bowl. However, as I started to adopt a more sustainable lifestyle, I realized that I needed an eco-friendly alternative to plastic wrap.
Initially, I started using the jars and Tupperware containers that I had at home, but often I found myself wishing for a more convenient option to quickly wrap up half-eaten food and store it in the fridge. That's when I came across reusable food wraps, and I was excited to give them a try. That's when I found brands like Z Wraps!
It’s amazing how little I see this type of product in other people’s kitchens. I’m hoping reusable food wraps become the new norm soon, because it’s incredibly difficult to recycle plastic wrap, and in the landfill it emits toxic chemicals as it breaks down.
According to National Geographic, a 2019 report found that in a span of 6 months, nearly 80 million Americans used at least one roll of plastic wrap. That’s a crazy amount of plastic waste coming out of our country alone!
Reasons to Love Z Wraps
Reusable: Put down the plastic cling wrap because these reusable food wraps will save you money. After each use, you just need a little bit of soap and some water to clean them off. I’ve cleaned mine several times, and they work just as well as when I first got them.
Practical: It’s incredible how just the heat of your hands makes these reusable wraps so easy to use. Once you warm them with body heat, Z Wraps have natural self-adhering properties to cover your leftovers with a superior seal. They also come in so many different sizes. Whether you’re covering a salad bowl or a half-eaten baguette, you have options. With Elliott, they are great to have on hand for his many partly-eaten fruits - as you can tell in the photos.
Sustainably-Made: One of my favorite parts about Z Wraps is the fact they’re handmade right here in the USA. (By a woman-owned business, no less!) Previous wraps I’ve used were sent to me from faraway countries, and I much prefer to support a product made only a few states away. Each reusable wrap is made from 100% cotton with organic beeswax. Even their packaging is made from recycled paper and biodegradable cellulose.